19 Fastest Growing Occupations

Health Overhaul

The future of the jobs market currently looks bleak. The unemployment rate has been stuck above 7 percent since December 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And as futurist Thomas Frey recently told AOL Jobs, half of all the jobs in existence today will no longer be around by 2030.

But so much upheaval is also helping to create new jobs and opportunities. In fact, opportunities abound, but it's been widely noted that America's workers simply don't have the proper training to get the job done. As Matt Ferguson, the CEO of CareerBuilder, wrote in his just-released book, "The Talent Equation," 45 percent of human resource managers say they "can't find qualified candidates for open positions." (CareerBuilder is an AOL Jobs partner.)

Ferguson, for his part, said in a CareerBuilder news release that he's confident that "barring any major shocks to the economy, the short-term job outlook in the United States will likely continue developments seen during the recovery -- specifically, significant growth for jobs that require a college education and occupations in health care, energy and technology."

So what are these jobs? Working in conjunction with the Economic Modeling Specialists Intl., CareerBuilder has put together a report featuring the jobs that are expected to see at least 8 percent growth and 30,000 new positions created between 2013 and 2017. Those opportunities can be viewed below.
