Fast Food Worker To McDonald's CEO: I Can't Feed My Kids


McDonald's Employee Confronts Executive: I Can't Afford Shoes For My  Children
McDonald's Employee Confronts Executive: I Can't Afford Shoes For My Children

Challenging the CEO of a major corporation in a public venue would seem to be one of the fastest ways to hit the unemployment line. For Nancy Salgado, it at least got her a dismissive answer and alleged threat of being arrested when the McDonald's cashier publicly shamed chain CEO Jeff Stratton, and she doesn't know whether she'll pay with her job. So why do it?

According to a video interview she gave to, it's because she's at her wit's end. "Sometimes I can't provide a gallon of milk" for her two kids, the single mother said. After ten years of working for the company since she was 16, she claims to have never received a raise, still earning $8.25 for between 30 and 40 hours a week.
