Here Comes the Shutdown, Plus 5 More Things You'll Want to Know Today

Boehner Beset By Obamacare Foes In Race To Stave Off Shutdown
Getty ImagesHouse Speaker John Boehner

• In Washington's budget showdown, both sides are sticking to their guns. On Sunday, the Republican-controlled House passed a budget bill that delays funding for Obamacare and repeals a tax on medical devices, despite certainty that the Democrat-led Senate will strip those provisions out when it meets Monday afternoon to vote on a clean version of the "must-pass" funding bill. If the two sides can't come to some form of agreement, however short-term it might be, all nonessential government services will shut down at midnight Monday. The markets are getting more worried about the prospect; stock futures fell Monday morning.

• Billions of dollars are at stake as phase 2 of the trial against BP for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill begins. At issue: precisely how much oil was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, and what level of negligence BP (BP) displayed in causing the accident. The Clean Water Act mandates fines of up to $1,100 for every barrel spilled via simple negligence, and as high as $4,300 a barrel for a spill that occurred due to gross negligence. The government says 4.2 million barrels of oil and gross negligence, for $18.06 billion; BP is arguing it was closer to 2.45 million barrels and simple, which comes to $2.695 billion.

%VIRTUAL-article-sponsoredlinks%• Airlines are introducing a raft of new service fees, but this time, they are for services that passengers may really be happy to pay a little extra for: Think extra legroom, a rented Apple iPad preloaded with movies, a hot first class meal in coach, or even letting passengers pay to have an empty seat next to them.

• Billionaire Mark Cuban, former Internet and casino mogul and current Dallas Mavericks owner, goes on trial Monday to defend himself against charges that committed insider trading when he sold off his stake in web search company in 2004.

• ExxonMobil (XOM) announced Friday that it will begin offering the same benefits to same-sex couples that it offers to traditional married couples. The company has never been known as gay-friendly before; in fact, quite the opposite. But it says the change in policy stems directly from the Supreme Court's ruling this summer to recognize same-sex marriages for federal purposes.

• And finally, in case you missed it Sunday, Twitter's IPO filing is ready, and the company plans to make it public this week, Quartz reports. Twitter intends to begin trading before Thanksgiving, probably on the NYSE.
