3 Things to Watch at Microsoft's Analyst Day

3 Things to Watch at Microsoft's Analyst Day

The software giant Microsoft is in the midst of the most monumental shift to its business in at least a generation, as it attempts to port its cash-cow software businesses into the mobile future. The results -- so far -- haven't exactly been inspiring. Its Surface tablet has failed to impress consumers, and Windows phone adoption remains tepid at best. To make matters worse, Apple and Google have both continued taking share in the burgeoning tablet and smartphone markets.

Investors will get their chance to put Microsoft and its leadership under the microscope today, as the company prepares to host its first analyst day with the financial community in years. In the video below, Fool contributor Andrew Tonner highlights three areas investors need to watch for at Microsoft's analyst day.

The titans of tech
Microsoft needs to adapt to survive, as many of today's tech giants are aiming squarely at its empire. At stake is the future of a trillion-dollar revolution: mobile. To find out which tech colossus is set to rule the next decade, check out our latest free report: "Who Will Win the War Between the 5 Biggest Tech Stocks?" Inside, you'll find out which companies are set to dominate, and we'll give in-the-know investors an edge. To grab a copy of this report, simply click here -- it's free!

The article 3 Things to Watch at Microsoft's Analyst Day originally appeared on Fool.com.

Fool contributor Andrew Tonner owns shares of Apple. The Motley Fool recommends Apple and Google. The Motley Fool owns shares of Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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