Quiz: What's Your Personality Type -- When It Comes To Having Fun?

Shutterstock / Warren Goldswain

The importance of play has becoming increasingly apparent to me. For a happy life at work and at home, it's not enough to have an absence of bad feelings - we also need sources of good feelings.

For many adults, however, it's surprisingly hard to know how to have more fun. If you don't know what to do for fun, a good question to consider is: What did you do for fun when you were ten years old? Because that's probably something you'd enjoy now, whether walking in the woods, playing with your dog, making things with your hands, taking pictures, playing basketball, or dancing around the living room. When I was ten years old, I spent hours copying my favorite quotations into "blank books" and illustrating the passages with pictures I cut from magazines. Exactly what I do on my blog!

Because of my interest in play, I couldn't resist picking up Stuart Brown's Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul.

I was particularly struck by Brown's analysis of the question, "What is your play personality?" He makes clear that these categories aren't scientifically based, but a product of his years of observation.
