15 Cheapest Cars to Drive in America

15 Cheapest Cars to Drive in America

The average price of gasoline in the U.S. is $3.57 per gallon, which is about 10 cents cheaper than this time last year. However, don't expect to see gas prices drop all that much in the future. Despite record domestic oil and gas production, any extra gas that is refined is sent to the more lucrative export market.

That leaves consumers with little recourse other than to buy a car that uses less gas, or in some cases no gas at all. The following slideshow looks at the cheapest cars to drive in America, and the name at the top might be a surprise. Despite what you might have read, it's not Toyota's Prius, nor is it a gas-sipping model from Ford . Instead, this car gets an astounding 121 MPG equivalent, meaning it could save its owners more than $9,000 over five years in gasoline.

To get the name of that car, as well as the full lineup of cars that will take away that pain at the pump, check out the slideshow.

As a consumer you have a plethora of vehicle choices to ease your pain at the pump. However, one often overlooked way to ease your pain is by investing in the companies working on finding a solution. What's pretty amazing is that one home run investing opportunity has been slipping under Wall Street's radar for months. But it won't stay hidden much longer. Forward-thinking energy players such as General Electric and Ford have already plowed sizable amounts of research capital into this little-known stock because they know it holds the key to the explosive profit power of the coming "no choice fuel revolution." Luckily, there's still time for you to get on board if you act quickly. All the details are inside an exclusive report from The Motley Fool. Click here for the full story!

15 Cheapest Cars to Drive in America from

The article 15 Cheapest Cars to Drive in America originally appeared on Fool.com.

Matt DiLallo has the following options: long January 2014 $10 calls on Ford and short January 2014 $10 puts on Ford. The Motley Fool recommends Ford and owns shares of Ford and General Electric. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools don't all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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