The 10 Best Places To Live For Jobs

These are the counties that have seen the greatest jobs growth since 2010.
These are the counties that have seen the greatest jobs growth since 2010.

In a tight economy, workers often are willing to pick up and move to wherever the opportunities are. So, where are they? CNN Money has just compiled a list of the counties that have experienced the fastest jobs growth from 2010 to last year. The trend lines are clear -- the South offers vast pockets of opportunity. Nine of the ten counties that have seen the greatest growth in the beginning of the current decade are located in the South.

But don't pack your bags yet. While the jobs growth in the below ten counties can be chalked up to booms in sectors like aerospace, clean energy and manufacturing, it's also true that the South could be seeing strong growth rates because the region has so much room for improvement. Indeed, four of the ten states with the worst unemployment rates are located in the South, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Either way, the region's job picture is no doubt improving in recent years; southern states like South Carolina are regularly seeing their employment rates drop faster than any other state in the region, as the Associated Press has reported.

See below for the counties with the best jobs growth since 2010.
