8 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Day

messy desk
messy desk

So many choices, so little time! If that is your mantra, it's time to take a serious look at your life and try to pare things down so you're not overwhelmed and you can get more done. Luckily, there are steps you can take, some very easy, and others that may take more effort, to streamline your day so you're not so exhausted when you fall into bed.

1. Prioritize
Productivity experts tout this as key to successfully making it through the day, and there's no doubt that it's worth spending a little extra energy on the front end of your day, week or month identifying what is most important. It can make you happier at work and at home. Make sure to include time for both work and personal projects on your priority list, and recognize that you'll need to adjust your those priorities occasionally; don't be too dogmatic.

2. Create a Schedule
In addition to the feeling of accomplishment you can earn when you check something off, a schedule helps you keep on track with your priorities. However, don't be overly optimistic. If you're always bragging to friends about your 50-item to-do list, it's time to rethink your strategy; you can't possibly get that much done in a day. Instead, think about managing two, simultaneous lists: one to realistically accomplish in a day, and the other a longer-term plan.
