Save When You Shop for Back-to-School Clothes -- Savings Experiment


When it comes to back-to-school shopping, all sales are not created equal. Before you hit the register, here's how to find the best deals on clothes for your kids without overspending.

In the summer, you'll find plenty of back-to-school apparel sales, but beware of kid-branded promotions in August. According to, Old Navy had a 20-percent-off back-to-school sale in early August 2010. Just 10 days later, however, the company had a sitewide sale, offering 30 percent off the same items. So, you see, a few days can make all the difference.

If you can hold out until September, you'll find the best discounts during Labor Day sales. In 2012, DealNews also reported that back-to-school supplies, "including apparel and dorm goods," were priced at their last and lowest markdowns of the season.

As for where to shop, recent reviews point to Walmart as your best bet. According to, Walmart has the lowest prices on back-to-school clothes, beating out competitors like Target, Kmart and Old Navy.

So, when it comes to back-to-school clothes shopping, do your homework before you hit the stores and you'll ensure that your kids are dressed for less.

