Xbox One's Smart Match system explained

Xbox One Match System
Xbox One Match System

The Xbox One is looking to take multiplayer matchmaking to all-new levels of intelligence with a new system Microsoft is calling "Smart Match." While we've heard Microsoft briefly speak of the new system at past events, the company posted an official explanation over on Xbox Wire, giving us a better understanding of what this feature will entail.

In summary, Smart Match on Xbox One uses advanced algorithms to pair you with players based on skill, language, age, specific gameplay style, and reputation (a feature briefly talked about in the past that will be discussed further in a post tomorrow).

"It's smarter, faster and optimized to help you play with exactly the people you want, when you want," Microsoft says. "You won't find yourself in way over your head but you'll always have a good challenge."

In addition, to finding your perfect match, Xbox One will remove the boredom associated with waiting in lobbies while Xbox LIVE attempts its matchmaking. The Xbox One's Snap mode allows you to do two things at once, letting you watch TV or browse the web while waiting for your next game.

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