Stay Cool With a Budget-Friendly Pool -- Savings Experiment

Savings Experiment: Staying Cool With a Budget-Friendly Pool
Savings Experiment: Staying Cool With a Budget-Friendly Pool

Summer is here and it's time to hit the pool. But, if you're thinking about getting one of your own, here are a few things to consider before diving into the expense.

Inground pools are the most ideal option, but they can run you around $21,000 in installation costs. On top of that, these luxuries can cost up to $1,500 per year to maintain.

Comparatively, a 19-foot above ground pool will only set you back $6,000. Since they cost less to heat and don't have complex filtration systems, their maintenance is about $400 - $700 per year. That's much less than an inground pool.

However, an even more economical option is called a set-and-fill pool. You can get a large one for about $800, and your maintenance will only cost about $200 annually. They can be easily found at discount stores like Walmart and Target, too. The only catch is that they don't usually last more than a few seasons.


So, if you're looking for a short-term option, go with the set-and-fill pool, but if you know you'll want something for long haul, think about investing in an inground pool. In any case, these tips will help you go for a dip without swimming in debt.

