PS4 secret line-up revealed


1. Uncharted 4
Naughty Dog hit it out of the ballpark with 'The Last of Us' released just last month. We have every reason to believe that they have also been working on their next title in the Uncharted series, considering that they have different teams for different projects. We hope to see the beloved Nathan Drake come back with even more action and maybe even something different in the continuing series.

2. Resident Evil 7
We don't expect this game that consists of the undead to die out just yet. Capcom may try more risky ideas to pump up the long running franchise.The next Resident Evil may be unnumbered, and probably a spin off, when you take the Resident Evil 6 Story into consideration.

3. Grand Theft Auto 5
The game has already been confirmed for the PS3 and Xbox 360, but has no mention of the next-gen consoles. Rockstar has recently said that they've been hiring developers "to help bring our latest titles to the PC platform." Many have suggested that they are talking about the PS4, which has been described as a PC Platform. Others think that the company is just setting up to release Red Dead or GTA 5 for the PC. We can definitely see GTA 5 being announced for the next-gen console very soon.

Gran Turismo 6
Gran Turismo 6

4. Gran Turismo 6
CEO of Polyphony Digital Kazunori Yamauchi has lately stated, "We have a PS4 version [of Gran Turimso 6] in mind." Which obviously means that the next Gran Turismo is definitely being considered for the PS4. We can imagine that they will boost the recently announced Gran Turismo 6 PS3 game to next-gen standards.

5. Sleeping Dogs 2
The success of the United Front games Sleeping Dogs, assures they will continue on to have a series. The company has posted a job availability back in January for a 'network/multiplayer programmer for a next gen console title' and even for a Senior Project Manager. Expect to see news of Sleeping Dogs 2 in 2014.

6. Fallout 4
It has already been confirmed that there will be an Elder Scrolls Online, which made us cross out Elder Scrolls 6 as a candidate for Bethesda's upcoming game. The company has announced that they are working on a "pre-production on our next major project". in February 2012, Besthesda started hiring for "next generation console programmer". The setting of the upcoming game has rumored from Reddit to be in Boston, MA. They have just started developing the new game so we expect it to be released late 2014, maybe even 2015.

7. Hitman
The Director of Hitman: Absolution has said in a statement last year that Square Enix Montreal is currently developing the "new project". IO Interactive announced just last month, that they had to lay-off half of their employees and cancel projects, but also that they will continue to work on the Hitman series. Expect to see the title because they seem very determined to make the game even better than before.

See the other 7 games in the lineup at PlayStation Gang >
