Microsoft now including headset with Xbox One bundle

Xbox One headset
Xbox One headset

Microsoft's flip flop policy making is continuing apace, with the reveal that it will in-fact be including a headset in the bundle pack for its next-gen Xbox One console. This is counter to its original plan where if you wanted to chat to people online, you'd have to put down another few dollars for the privilege - or use your Kinect.

The reason we know about this, is because of a newly revised box contents posted over at Electronic Theatre and was revealed by GEM, the official Microsoft UK distributor for Xbox products.

Until now it was thought that even when spending $499, a further few bucks would have to go on a headset. You might still want to do that though, as chances are the bundled headset won't be anything impressive.

And no, your Xbox 360 headset won't work with the Xbox One - though Microsoft has said it might be able to develop some sort of adapter.

Of course this isn't the first time that Microsoft has U-turned on Xbox One policy. Initially it promised cloud computing, family game library sharing and no disc-gameplay, in exchange for a daily activation check and no game disc lending. After much gamer uproar though, it removed all of the above.

Read more about Xbox One at MegaGames >
