Startup Founder Blogs His Company's Collapse

man covering his face with his hands
man covering his face with his hands

In Silicon Valley, the American Dream is alive and on steroids. Heaping bags of cash are handed to college dropouts with a neat idea, who can then sell that idea for more heaping bags of cash. But less talked about are the start-ups that fail, miserably and painfully. Until now, thanks to one man's intimate blog: "My Startup has 30 Days to Live."

In his first post on Tuesday, the anonymous blogger claims that he spent the past two years building something that he thought truly mattered. But he was suckered into "the startup game," he says, misguided by investors, stretched too thin, and now has no choice but to fire his team and admit defeat. His account is both an indictment of the startup bubble culture and a wrenching real-time obituary of his baby.
