This Site Tells How Much You're Underpaid

photo illustration of workers from various professions in front of stack of moneybags
photo illustration of workers from various professions in front of stack of moneybags

Inequality makes a lot of people mad, but it's hard to know where to direct that anger. It's so complicated. Is it because of technology? Outsourcing? The decline of unions? A broken-down educational system? The rise of women? The decline of men? Immigrants? Illuminati? And how do you, as a single human being, fight a complex array of interrelated, systemic abstractions?

To solve this, a handful of economists, programmers and designers labored away for a year and half. The result is an interactive website, launched Monday by the Economic Policy Institute, called Its goal: to teach people about inequality in America, and to make them so mad they might do something about it.
