Kingdom Rush Frontiers: Cheats and tips


Kingdom Rush Frontiers picked up a 4 out of 5 star score in our review earlier today, and we think fans of the first game are in for quite a treat with this sequel. If you're new to the series, here are some useful hints and tips for staying alive on the battlefield.

- Never leave one of your special reinforcements on cooldown, as long as there are enemies on the screen. Yes, you might have a stronger enemy assault coming up, but you want to keep your current troops alive for as long as possible, and these reinforcements can really turn the tide of battle in your favor.

- You don't have to wait for an enemy to come into contact with your defenses for a battle to occur. Tap on the tower they're attached to, then hit the blue flag icon in the radial wheel that pops up. Now tap where you want them to travel to, and they'll move off into battle. Just make sure you don't leave a lane exposed to an attack by doing so.

- It's all well and good having melee troops getting stuck into the action, but you'll be helping them out a great deal by having ranged support nearby. Your warriors can take a fair beating, but they'll live longer - and the enemy will drop faster - if there's a rain of arrows coming down at the same time.

- It takes a little while for your Rain of Fire reinforcement to land at the destination you choose. For this reason, it's important to aim this deadly firepower just ahead of the marching enemy. That way they'll march straight into the explosion, and you'll get the most effective use from this devastating source of damage.

Get more cheats for Kingdom Rush Frontiers at Modojo >
