Motorola to Launch Yet Another "iPhone Killer"


Google Inc.'s (NASDAQ: GOOG) Motorola will try to exit a sales dive that started with the end of the popularity of the RAZR close to a decade ago. Motorola will release yet another in a long line of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone killers. The only company that has any success with this is Samsung with its Galaxy line. But Samsung was already one of the largest electronics firms in the world when it began its run at Apple. Google is entirely new to the smartphone business.

The Financial Times reports on Motorola's challenge to Apple:

Google is preparing an attack on Apple's iPhone with a device that is more aware of its surroundings and smart enough to anticipate how it will be used next, according to the head of the internet company's Motorola subsidiary. The gadget, called the MotoX, will also be made in the US and will be part of a campaign to drive down the cost of smartphones and end the high profit margins companies like Apple have enjoyed, said Dennis Woodside, the Google executive installed to run Motorola after it was acquired in late 2011.

If that is all the Moto X will offer, it can be added to the junk pile of devices that have taken runs at Apple.

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire, Consumer Electronics, Wireless Tagged: AAPL, GOOG
