EA: "Opportunity for a new Battlefront is very exciting"

Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront

EA appears to be contemplating the revival of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise. While the publisher/developer conglomerate has promised tounveil its Star Wars plans during E3, CFO Blake Jorgensen has already teased one of the possible titles -- Battlefront 3.

"The opportunity to do a newBattlefront, for example, which is one of the very popular Star Wars games, or some of the other traditional games that were made, is very exciting," Jorgensen said during the Stifel 2013 Technology Conference.

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 has had one of the more ugly development stories. Despite never being announced, the game was reportedly 99% complete before it was scrapped due to "financial reasons." That report was later disputed by a former LucasArts employee who estimated Battlefront 3 to be "75% of a mediocre game." Since the war of words, we've since seen several videos showing apparent footage of the game while it was still in development. While I personally wasn't blown away with anything I saw, there seems to be plenty of demand for a newBattlefront game.

I'd like to see DICE work their FPS magic on a new Battlefront game. What about you?

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