Xbox One: The Games So Far

Call of Duty Ghosts
Call of Duty Ghosts

In the Xbox One reveal conference, Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer said that there would be 15 exclusives on Xbox this year, 8 of which would be new IPs. We don't know exactly what any of them are yet, but we do know some of the games that are coming to the Xbox One.

Forza Motorsport 5: This one has been confirmed as exclusive. Of course it is; Turn 10 Studios are a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios.

Call of Duty: Ghosts: All DLC will be coming first to the Xbox One.

FIFA 14: Higher-fidelity football.

Madden NFL 25: That other type of football.

NBA Live 14: No foot to the ball please.

EA Sports UFC: You can totally foot the balls.

Quantum Break: Coming from Remedy Entertainment, this is the only game I'm slightly interested in so far despite hating Alan Wake and never finishing Max Payne. Apparently it "blurs the line between television and gameplay, integrating the two into one seamless, uniquely immersive experience". Sounds like this generation's Phantom Tollbooth to me.

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