Microsoft and EA Sports strike partnership to produce "smarter" games

Madden 25
Madden 25

Sports games sell. As history has shown, little to no revisions or improvements are required (aside from roster changes) for games like Madden or FIFA to sell like hotcakes year by year. EA Sports owns the expensive licensing rights to produce these sports games and they have been reluctant to fix what isn't broken. Each year, the vocal minority speaks. Sports fans demand more changes and improvements in these sports games. Microsoft and EA now have a plan to do that. They want to make "smarter" games.

According to EA, they can make their games smarter with their hot, shiny next-gen game engine called EA Sports Ignite. Games built upon the Ignite engine will boast athletes with up to "ten times greater animation fidelity..." The engine also promises "Human Intelligence" for athletes in-game. Your favorite athletes will now react with an uncanny likeness to their real-world self with the Ignite engine as it "delivers four times as many calculations per second than previously possible...Players will think and analyze the action, anticipating and reacting to what's occurring around them."

During the Xbox One event, it was announced that EA Sports titles using the Ignite engine would be released later this year, accompanying the release of the Xbox One.

Take a lot at some peeks at the "smarter" animations for yourself. Sound off in the comments if you think these games will be "smarter" or not. Add comment


The toes, they bend!

Juke to the right!

Madden 25
Madden 25

[Credit: EA]
