10 Signs That You're A 'Problem' Employee

man in suit twisting the other arm of another man in the suit who is on the ground
man in suit twisting the other arm of another man in the suit who is on the ground

Self-awareness is a skill that eludes many. You probably know people who view themselves as rock stars, when the rest of the world knows they're better suited to being part of the fan club. Professionally, it's not unusual for people to have a disconnected sense of their own worth. It's the person who thinks he or she was indispensable, but was, in fact, first to be let go during a layoff. Problem employees, by definition, often don't realize they are, in fact, the problem.

How can you tell if you're wearing a target on your back? Take stock of this list. If many of these items ring true, it's likely you need to adjust your approach to succeed in your workplace.
