New Batman Arkham Origins screenshots emerge

Batman Arkham Origins
Batman Arkham Origins

Some new screenshots have emerged for the upcoming prequel to the previous two Batman Arkham games, this one beginning several years before Asylum while Batman is a little greener at the whole, fighting crime thing.

Batman: Arkham Origins looks set to take the Batman universe it make it grittier and more lifelike, though I'll let you judge whether you think the screengrabs are next-gen looking or not. Presumably they will be by the time the game is released, considering it's set for a worldwide release on October 25th. This would put it square in line to be a launch title on next-gen systems from Microsoft and Sony.

The screenshots so an armoured up Deathstroke, which could make for a fun addition to the already enemy filled roster. Penguin makes an appearance, as do the typical Joker goons and military personnel.

The game-art released alongside these screengrabs looks very pretty too, featuring big sprawling environments, inside and out. Gotham is swept up in snow and Ice and there's Christmas decorations hanging around in an ironic twist on the typically dark and forboding city.

Check out the screenshots at MegaGames >

