Cut The Rope: Time Travel cheats and tips - Ancient Greece walkthrough

Cut The Rope Time Travel
Cut The Rope Time Travel

We've already brought you a general game guide for ZeptoLab's brand new game, but if you're looking for a spoiler-tastic Cut The Rope: Time Travel walkthrough, we'll be pulling together all of the three-star video solutions you need to beat even the toughest levels.

Looking for video solutions for the Ancient Greece levels in Cut The Rope: Time Travel? We've got you covered with our round-up of three star solutions for every level.​

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-1

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-2

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-3

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-4

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-5

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-6

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-7

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-8

Cut The Rope: Time Travel - Ancient Greece 5-9

Check out more walkthroughs at Modojo >

