ChefVille 'New Frontier' Land Expansion: Everything you need to know


A third land expansion has launched in ChefVille's expensive "open space" series. Whether or not you've spent the

​Chef Cash on the previously released pair of expansions or not, this third expansion will now be available to purchase in your restaurant.

This expansion is called "New Frontier," and it's located on the left side of the map. If you've already expanded into all of the "free" squares, this one is the top-left most land expansion that your restaurant is currently touching, as seen at right.

This land expansion costs 200 Chef Cash to purchase. It contains at least five Sunflowers, each of which can be used to earn Mixed Greens, but obviously the extra land space is the real draw to purchasing it. That 200 Chef Cash price is around $25 USD, which is definitely pricey, but if you're the kind of player that routinely supports games with real money anyway, it actually might be worth it.

Hopefully, these "Open Space" land expansions become available for coins, and we'll make sure to let you know if that's the case.

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What do you think of this new land expansion in ChefVille? Will you purchase this land expansion in your restaurant? Sound off in the comments!
