Appxplore goes on an updating spree across Sporos and Alien Hive


Over the past few months, we've brought you complete reviews of Appxplore's two latest iOS and Android titles, Sporos and Alien Hive. While the games are both puzzle games, they play incredibly differently, and the developer has announced updates for both to give you more mind-bending fun in each game.

In Sporos, a new "Discovery Lab" mode has been added, offering new puzzles and a new kind of cell that must be infected twice to clear a stage. For those unfamiliar with Sporos, the game asks you to light up cells on a grid by shooting light or "infection" in very specific directions. This update means that some cells will need to be shot with light twice, adding even more challenge to an already challenging game.

Over in Alien Hive, the game's slow pace will be increased via the upcoming launch of Blitz Mode. This mode will see you creating babies as quickly as you can in a limited amount of time. Rather than focusing on energy as in the main game, this one focuses solely on the time remaining to earn points. This will let you drag and rearrange symbols as much as you'd like without penalty, hopefully creating groups of three-like symbols along the way, until the clock runs down.

Sporos has been downloaded over one million times across iOS and Android, and with this Blitz update, I would expect Alien Hive to quickly pass that benchmark as well. Stay tuned for more on these challenging puzzle games as we learn more about future updates.

Download Sporos on iOS >

Download Alien Hive on iOS >

What do you think of these two updates across Sporos and Alien Hive? Are you a fan of either of these two base games? Sound off in the comments!
