ChefVille 'Mochi Mochi' Quests: Everything you need to know


The Cherry Blossom Festival in ChefVille has expanded this afternoon via the launch of a brand new appliance called the Mochi Station, and three timed quests that go along with it. These quests are called simply "Mochi Mochi," and we're here with a guide to help you finish them off, with help from Zynga. Let's get started!

Flavors of Mochi

  • Place and Complete the Mochi Station

  • Cook 2 Apple Mochi

  • Tend Neighbors' Bread Racks 7 Times

The Mochi Station can be placed via this quest window and unwrapped using three energy. From there, you'll need to collect four Wooden Mallets, five Mochi Shape Cutters, four Mochi Bowls, and five Mochi Serving Boxes to finish off this building project. The Wooden Mallets and Mochi Bowls are earned by posting general news requests to your news feed, while the other two items are earned by sending out individual requests directly to your neighbors.

When you finish the Mochi Station, you can cook Apple Mochi using one Japanese Sweet Rice, two Apples, and one Water. The Japanese Sweet Rice is made inside the Mochi Craft Station, which can be purchase inside the store for 500 coins. When you complete this first quest, you'll receive two Lemons, 10 XP, and 20 coins.

Tea and Mochi

  • Collect 8 Japanese Tea Cups

  • Cook 6 Lemon Mochi

  • Collect 10 Sirloin Beef

The Japanese Tea Cups are earned by asking your friends to send them to you, while the Lemon Mochi can be prepared inside the Mochi Station using one Japanese Sweet Rice, four Lemons, and one Water. As for the Sirloin Beef, you might be able to complete this task faster by tending your friends' stalls, so look into that before wasting your own time and energy. Completing this second quest gives you five Beef, 20 XP, and 30 coins.

Shapely Mochi

  • Have 8 Mochi Shape Ideas

  • Cook 5 Red Bean Mochi

  • Give 10 VIP Services

The Mochi Shape Ideas are earned with your friends' help, while the VIP Services are completed by simply giving a Rose to a guest that wants one. Finally, the Red Bean Mochi is created using one Japanese Sweet Rice, two Red Bean Fillings, and one Water inside the Mochi Station. This dish takes one hour to cook. You'll receive a Japanese Koi Flag decoration, 40 XP, and 50 coins when you finish this final quest in the series.

These quests will be available for the next week, and we wish you the best of luck in completing them all in time!

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What do you think of this new series of quests and the new Mochi Station cooking appliance in ChefVille? Let us know in the comments below!
