CoasterVille Sloop and Slide: Everything you need to know


With summer on its way, we've seen Zynga start to release a series of water or summer themed items in our theme parks in CoasterVille. Starting with the Kraken, and now going into the Sloop and Slide, we've seen players being given the chance to create a less-than-subtle pirate's area within their parks. We're here with a guide to help you get started on building the new Sloop and Slide (which looks like a giant pirate ship), so let's get started!


  • Place the Sloop and Slide Foundation

  • Finish the Sloop and Slide Foundation

This Sloop and Slide frame is given to you for free, and it can be placed out of your inventory. Once it's placed, you'll need to collect 2,500 coins, three Pirate Boots, 450 Goods, and 2,500 Thrill Points to finish it off. The Pirate Boots are earned by posting a general request to your news feed for help. You'll receive one Inflatable Sword and 200 Goods for finishing this first building stage and quest.

Orange You Glad

  • Complete the Second Stage of the Sloop and Slide

This quest (and the rest in the series) will see you working on the rest of the Sloop and Slide's five building stages. This second one requires 3,125 coins, 563 Goods, 3,125 Thrill Points, and 10 Orange Slices to complete. The Orange Slices are earned by sending out individual requests to your neighbors for help, so make sure to send out requests as often as you can to make the fastest progress.

Again, the rest of the quests in this series are similar, as each building stage will require more coins, Thrill Points, Goods, and collectibles to complete. This event's quests will apparently only be available for the next four weeks, but at least that gives you plenty of time to finish this ride and claim all of their prizes. Good luck!

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What do you think of this new Sloop and Slide ride in CoasterVille? Sound off in the comments!
