More Men Than Women Fear Being Laid Off, As Economy Weakens

ADP report private sector March jobs
ADP report private sector March jobs

March unemployment numbers reveal the economy is weakening, it seems employees already are losing confidence. A new survey from Glassdoor finds nearly one in five employees are worried about being laid off in the next six months, despite the fact that many believe the company's outlook will improve over that period.

But more men (23 percent) than women (14 percent) are fretting about the possibility of being laid off.

What's making so many men -- and some women -- gloomy? The survey doesn't explain gender differences. But it did find nearly one in three people say their employer already had cut jobs in the last six months. Interestingly, the Glassdoor survey finds that several "external" factors are shaping people's feelings, including national economic news and government legislation. Take a look at the chart here:


