FarmVille 2 Butterfly House: Everything you need to know


The newest event in FarmVille 2 surrounds a lovely baby horse that likes to play with Butterflies. With that in mind, you'll need to build a new Butterfly House on your farm and fill it with Butterflies in order to lure the baby horse onto your farm! We're here with a guide to this new Butterfly House feature, with help from Zynga. Let's get started!

The Butterfly House is a small frame that can be placed on your farm for free. From there, it requires 10 Flower Cuttings, 10 Bronze Hinges, and 10 Coral Paint to complete. These items are earned through a combination of general requests on your news feed and individual requests sent directly to your neighbors. After that, you'll need to ask four friends to come work in the item before actually finishing it off.

When you finish the Butterfly House, you'll be able to collect Butterflies by harvesting trees or by "catching" them inside the Crafting Workshop. This event is similar to the Valentine's Day Sweetheart Tree (as one example), as the Butterfly House is full of four prizes that can be earned by collecting as many Butterflies as possible. Only after you've earned all four regular prizes within the Butterfly House will you be given the free baby horse.

Here's the breakdown of the four prizes:

13 Butterflies - Butterfly Flower Pot
28 Butterflies - Butterfly Chair
53 Butterflies - Purple Lilac Tree
94 Butterflies - Butterfly Terrarium

To craft the Butterflies inside the Crafting Workshop, you'll need to first collect Butterfly Nets by posting a general request for them on your news feed. After that, it's a matter of combining those nets with either Daisies or Irises, depending on how many butterflies you'd like to catch at once. For the record, Butterflies allow you to catch three Butterflies with three Nets, while Irises allow you to catch two Butterflies with two Nets.

This event will only be available for a limited time, so we wish you the best of luck in earning all of these prizes while they're available!

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What do you think of this new Butterfly House event in FarmVille 2? Do you think you'll be able to collect enough Butterflies to earn all of these new items? Let us know in the comments!
