Check Out This Amazing New 'Star Citizen' Concept Art

star citizen, concept art, mmo, space sim
star citizen, concept art, mmo, space sim

I've written about Star Citizen a few times in the past couple months and every time the opportunity presents itself, I also get more and more excited about what's coming up. Star Citizen is the upcoming space-sim/MMO/private server/single-player hybrid from Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games which, at least in my mind, promises to shake the gaming world up quite a bit by offering – get this – fun stuff for players to do!

Well, the guys over at Roberts Space Industries have been hard at work on some concept art for the upcoming game and I have some of it here to share with all of you. Check it!

I'm not going to go into a big to-do about the images below, I'll let them speak for themselves. What I will do is tell you what the folks over at CIG/RSI have to say about the environmental art and how the environments are going to work. Pay attention to the part about hanging out in bars!

As with the previous environmental concept art, this "look and feel" piece will be used to capture the overall mood of the place [Moscow] as we design further. Artists were asked to provide different environments for each city and to build from their current day appearance, ultimately dwarfing the recognizable historical landmarks we expect to last another millennia...

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