Monday Memo: This Week on the Saving Channel

e-book reading deals
AlamyHaving trouble finding e-books to cozy up to? On Tuesday we'll profile a company that will make searching for great book finds easier.

As part of the new and improved DailyFinance, we're launching a new Saving Channel -- and a different way of looking at saving money. Rather than focusing on the grim business of pinching pennies, we're focusing on the things you gain -- things like extra cash for the life events that matter and greater security for the unknown challenges that lie ahead.

As part of this change, we're launching a new feature: the Monday Memo. A preview of a few of our major stories for the week, the memo will give you an idea of what to expect, and a way for you to tell us what you want. It will also contain a weekly question, in which we ask you for your opinion on a major spending issue.

For this week, the question is: What is your favorite video or movie service? Do you use Hulu, Netflix, Blockbuster, or some other resource or network? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below; alternately, you can send me an e-mail at or a tweet at @bruce1971.

And on to this week's specials:

Forget pre-Easter sales and specials -- the best time to get deals on chocolate is today! We'll give you some suggestions on the best candy to buy, the right way to store it, and how to deal with chocolate that's gone over the hill.

Love e-books but miss the thrill of discovery in a bookstore? We're profiling a company that will change the way you buy your books -- and cut your costs in the bargain.

Thinking about buying an electric car? DailyFinance readers offer their suggestions for the best way to save money -- and stay ahead of the technology curve.

Can't decide on the best way to watch videos and TV shows? We look at the choices and assess the costs.

Getting tired of dealing with high bank fees and low services? We give you the lowdown on another option.

Those are a few of the money-saving topics we're going to explore this week. If you have any questions or suggestions, ideas or requests, drop me a line!

Bruce Watson is DailyFinance's Saving Editor. You can reach him by e-mail at, or follow him on Twitter at @bruce1971.
