FarmVille Introduces Scratch-N-Sniff Feature


FarmVille introduced a new "Scratch-N-Sniff feature that allows you to smell your crops, trees, and blooms as part of an April Fools' Day prank.

The internet was a lively place today with April Fools' jokes from some of your favorite companies. Zygna jumped in on the fun and released the "Scratch-N-Sniff" feature for your farming pleasure. Imagine if this feature was real. Not everything smells so lovely on the farm. Eeek.

What you can find in the FarmVille Gift Box, not a prank, is a free new Scratch-N-Sniff tree. Note, the scent feature is not included. ;)

Additional Scratch-N-Sniff trees (including a giant version) are available for purchase in the FarmVille Market for Farm Cash.

Read more on Farmville Freak >
