Unreal Engine 4 makes next-generation graphics look real good

Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator
Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator

It's been two years since Epic unveiled Unreal Engine 4 and while it was classy, the demo indicated graphics that were still so many years away to matter. Well, with next-generation consoles due out later this year, Epic has ramped up their game (ha!) and brought us a massive presentation of their new Unreal tech.

In the demo below, a heavily armed agent infiltrates a vicious and thoroughly-imagined factory. Not only is it slick and smooth, characters are detailed and the set-piece is enormous. It seems that developers are going to have a fun time building content that matches the scale of detail that we see here, but I imagine we're going to see the engine deployed on such a variety of games it won't matter. I'm just wondering here, but where's the future of cel shading? Did that go away? Can you imagine that Punisher-mask wearing mofo up top cel shaded? No? I'm actually kinda surprised they didn't show off some kind of secondary rendering style, like in an in-universe ad or something, rather than simply perpetuate the fact that they're building these to make more realistic games.

Flesh Eating Zipper
Flesh Eating Zipper
