Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: Here are the web's most helpful hunting tips

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate cheats tips
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate cheats tips

So, you want to become a monster hunter? It's about time, considering this is the umpteenth time that developer Capcom has tried to drum success for its Japanese hit action RPG series Monster Hunter. Regardless of whether you have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (MH3U) for the Wii U or 3DS, you're going to need a few pointers. A world filled with monsters to hunt shouldn't be too forgiving, after all. With that, here are three of the best sources for cheats and tips to best the beasties in MH3U.

Hordes of Helping Hands

Wikia didn't get to where it is for nothing. If you're on the hunt for help in your adventures beyond Moga Village, then look no further than the MH3U Wikia hub. For detailed monster profiles, area guides and quest walkthroughs, click on through to the wiki right here.

Weapon of Choice

Of course Monster Hunter is all about the monsters, but it's also quite focused on the what, why and how of killing or capturing them. That's where GameSpot (thanks to GameFAQs) come in, with detailed weapon tree guides for all of the weapons in MH3U along with a few pointers for how to unlock the rarer beasts in the game. Learn how to wield your weapon of choice right here.

Hunting Tips from the Heart

Perhaps you know all there is to know about MH3U, as far as facts are concerned, but you still don't know how to approach a given monster or fellow hunter, for that matter. Pocket Gamer has you covered, with five pointers for those new to the world of Monster Hunter in the West. To learn how to best handle your hunter self, click right here.

Have some tips of your own for your fellow monster hunters? Share with us in the comments. Add Comment.
