ChefVille 'The Primest Cut' Quests: Everything you need to know


As we all start working on the Rotisserie event in ChefVille, we'll quickly find ourselves with a need for Prime Rib. Instead of just letting us purchase a Prime Rib stall and moving on, we'll instead need to complete a series of three "The Primest Cut" quests in order to get the most out of this new ingredient stall. We're here with a guide to finishing these three quests, thanks to some help from Zynga. Let's get started!

Shelves for Slab

  • Place and Build the Prime Rib Shelves

  • Cook 2 Rotisserie Beef

  • Tend 6 Wild Onion Patches

The Prime Rib Shelves can be placed via this quest window and unwrapped with three energy. To actually finish them, you'll need to collect four Tin Trays, four Plastic Packs, four Little Labels, and four Color Checkers. These items are earned through a combination of general news posts placed on your wall and individual requests sent to your neighbors. Once you complete the Prime Rib Shelves, you can use them to collect Prime Rib ingredients for that Rotisserie Beef dish.

Thankfully, you can cook this Beef without actually needing to finish the Shelves, since you can ask your friends to send you Prime Rib directly while you wait. A single batch of Rotisserie Beef requires three Prime Rib, two Ranch Dressing, and one Pepper to cook over a period of 16 hours. You'll receive a single Mastery Star for the dish before this quest is over.

Completing this first quest gives you six Milk, 10 XP, and 20 coins.

Hides and Sides

  • Collect 8 Plate Liners

  • Cook 3 Shawarma Salad Plates

  • Give Chef's Service with Rotisserie Beef 10 Times

The Plate Liners can be earned by asking your friends to send some to you, while the Shawarma Salad Plates are cooked inside the Rotisserie Station using four Romaine Lettuce, two Onions, and three Shawarma Meat per batch. A single batch takes six hours to prepare, and the Shawarma Meat can be created inside the Shawarma Meat Mixer. This item is given to you for free via a third quest series in this event, and it's completed via another set of individual requests sent to your friends and general news posts on your wall. You'll need to collect 16 ingredients in all to finish it off.

Completing this second quest will reward you with two Prime Rib, 20 XP, and 30 coins.

Juicy Juggler

  • Have 8 Spit Spinners

  • Cook 6 Shawarma Sandwiches

  • Earn 2 Mastery Stars for Shawarma Salad Plate

The Spit Spinners can be earned by asking your friends to send them to you, while the Shawarma Salad Plate dish must be cooked three times to earn even the first Mastery Star. If you're in a hurry to complete these quests, feel free to use Spices to speed up this particular cooking task. If you can complete this final quest before this series expires from the game, you'll receive a Middle Eastern Wooden Table, 40 XP, and 50 coins. Good luck!

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What do you think of these two new kinds of meat in ChefVille? Do you think Zynga should focus on the ingredients we already have, rather than constantly introducing new ones? Let us know in the comments!
