ChefVille 'Picnic Serenade' Quests: Everything you need to know


Just as Madeline has released a new quest set in the "Romantic Picnic" event in ChefVille, so too has Rock come back with a second quest series of his own called "Picnic Serenade." There are three quests in this series, all of which will only be available for a limited time. We're here with a guide to completing these quests, with help from Zynga. Let's get started!

Act Natural

  • Collect 12 Compostable Cups

  • Cook 5 Cheese Skewers

  • Tend 10 Wild Mushrooms

The Compostable Cups are earned by posting a general request on your news feed, asking all of your neighbors for help at once. Meanwhile, the Cheese Skewers can't be cooked until you've upgraded the Picnic Hamper. This process requires you to collect 36 building materials via a combination of general news posts on your feed and individual requests sent to your neighbors, so make sure to check out our guide to the Picnic Hamper upgrade (and its quests) to get caught up.

Finally, this Mushroom task can be completed without spending any energy of your own by simply tending Mushrooms in

your friends' restaurants. As a general tip, these tasks are best completed in low-level friends' restaurants. They don't take as long toload, and shouldn't be so overloaded with appliances and decorations, which can actually make Mushrooms hard to find in other restaurants. For completing this first quest, you'll receive three Apples, 10 XP, and 20 coins.

Picnic Turnaround

  • Get 2 Romantic Picnic Ribbons on Spring Salad

  • Cook 4 Spicy Mixed Nuts

  • Collect 10 Cashews from the Nut Dispenser

The Spring Salad is available to prepare after you've upgraded the Picnic Hamper, while the Spicy Mixed Nuts can be cooked right away. Each batch can be cooked over a period of 15 minutes using four Walnuts, two Cashews, and one Pepper per batch.

You can complete this quest by tending the Nut Dispenser, which is available for collection once every 10 minutes. When you finish this quest, you'll receive two Cashews, 10 XP, and 20 coins.

The Perfect Ending

  • Collect 8 Guitar Strings

  • Serve 3 Cashew Beef Bites

  • Earn 15 Romantic Picnic Ribbons

While this should be the last quest in this Romantic Picnic event, it only asks you to earn 15 of the Romantic Picnic Ribbons, rather than the full 22 that are available. This should make things a bit easier to complete, but don't be fooled into thinking this will be a walk in the park. Either way, you can earn the Guitar Strings by asking your friends to send them to you. When you complete this final quest in this Picnic Serenade series, you'll receive five One-Hour Thymes, 10 XP, and 20 coins.

While some of these quests might seem easy to complete, they become more difficult when keeping in mind that these quests will only be available for the next two or so days. Good luck finishing these quests before they expire!

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What do you think of this series of quests in the Romantic Picnic event? Have you given up on Ribbon events in ChefVille, or are you still trying to earn all of the rewards available in this one? Let us know in the comments!
