Monster World expands onto iOS three years after its Facebook launch


While three years might not seem like that much time in the grand scheme of things, in the world of Facebook games, that's a lifetime. Games come and go all of the time, with some being removed from Facebook just months after launching. With Monster World, it's easy to see that Wooga was onto something, as the game still has over six million monthly active players after it's launch in 2010.

Not content to be satisfied with this stable Facebook audience, Wooga has spent the last year working on a mobile version of the game, which has now launched for free on iPhone and iPad. According to Wooga, the game has been redesigned "from the ground up with mobile in mind." If you've yet to try Monster World, the game is a quirky farming experience starring a variety of unique monsters and plants that you'd never actually find in the real world (golden rings, cat toys, etc.).


Aside from simply growing crops, you'll be able to decorate your farm with a variety of flowers, buildings, pathways and more as you complete quests that seem to be based on a variety of fairytales or real world properties (like one starring a musical group called "The Monsters," instead of "The Beatles").

Whether you're new to Monster World or have been a long-time fan of the game on Facebook, you can now download Monster World for free on iOS.

Download Monster World on iOS >

Did you ever play Monster World? If you used to play the game, would you be interested in playing the game again only on iOS? Let us know in the comments!
