Booker makes things look easy in the newest Bioshock Infinite commercial

Bioshock Infinite commercial
Bioshock Infinite commercial

If you are already anxiously awaiting BioShock Infinite than do not, I repeat, do not watch this video. It will only make the wait for next week's launch much more difficult.

The minute-long TV commercial features CG footage of Booker DeWitt saving Elizabeth from what appears to be a lynching by a group of Columbia residents. Booker is slowly readying his aim, only to be interrupted by the Handyman. With no time to fight the brute, Booker hops on to the city's Sky-Line and, using his iconic sky hook, drops down in the middle of the mob. Then, with a combination of deadly weapons and powerful vigors, does what is necessary to save Elizabeth. Sound cool? Check out the commercial below to see it in live action. But remember, this is only CG footage. Nevertheless, we're anxiously awaiting the release of BioShock Infinite.

