FarmVille 2 'Spring is Here' Workshop Recipes: Everything you need to know


Our look at the Spring is Here item theme in FarmVille 2 isn't over just yet, as a series of three new Crafting Workshop recipes have been released for production for a limited time. This trio of recipes will give you something to do with the theme's new crop - the Easter Lily - and we're here with a complete guide to helping you get started. Let's go!

The first recipe is the Spring Bouquet, which requires four Flasks and 14 Easter Lilies to create. The Easter Lilies can be planted for 30 coins per square and harvested after two hours. Meanwhile, the Flasks are earned by sending out individual requests to your neighbors to help you out. You'll receive 17 XP for each Spring Bouquet you create, and they can be sold for 2,290 coins each.

The second recipe is the Spring Wreath, which can be created using eight Eggs and 12 Easter Lilies. This particular recipe can be sold for 1,930 coins in the market, and you'll receive 13 XP for each one that you craft.

Finally, the third Spring is Here recipe is the Stuffed Toy Bunny, which is created using one Wool Thread Spindle and one Wool Bolt. The Wool Thread Spindle is created by combining six Wool and two Fine Rabbit Wool, while the Wool Bolt is created using just eight general Wool. Each Stuffed Toy Bunny can be sold for 1,920 coins, and you'll receive 15 XP for crafting a single one.

These recipes will only be available for crafting for the next 19 days, so make sure to use your Easter Lilies on them before these recipes expire and make the Lilies less valuable.

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What do you think of these three new recipes in the FarmVille 2 Crafting Workshop? Will you plant Easter Lilies specifically to create these recipes? Sound off in the comments!
