When NOT To Hire A Career Coach

Don't hire a career coach when your problems go deeper than a job search, says psychologist Ben Dattner.
Don't hire a career coach when your problems go deeper than a job search, says psychologist Ben Dattner.

Sure, there is plenty of evidence that a career coach can help jumpstart a job search or career change. But when shouldn't you hire one? When would it be a waste of your precious income, especially given that coaches can charge as much as $250 an hour?

In fact, career coaches say that people should proceed cautiously. "You need to do a cost benefit, especially if you are out of work. It's important to consider the use of your funds. But every day out of work is another day not working for a living," says AOL Jobs blogger and career coach Miriam Salpeter. She and other coaches say that people should not hire one if:
