Gears of War: Judgment Launch Trailer Surfaces


Today, Epic Games released the official launch trailer for Gears of War: Judgmentahead of the game's March 19th release date.

The video above highlights several cinematic sequences from the game complete with a rock and roll soundtrack to amp up the emotion. While I'll be the first to admit that I'm a diehard Gears of War fan, Judgment just doesn't seem to impress me as much as it should. This game looks like it easily could have been a DLC package add-on as opposed to a full priced title. While the multiplayer features discussed by Epic during the Microsoftevent sound enticing, this prequel just feels like it's meant to hold us all over until the inevitable announcement of Gears of War 4 going into production.

Still if you're a Gears of War fiend, then this game will offer you exactly what you're looking for and then some.

Gears of War: Judgement is scheduled to release on March 19th in North America and on March 22nd in Europe. Where you impressed or disappointed by this official launch trailer? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.
