The Worst Company For Women Is Run By....

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett

In recent years, women have made some high-profile jumps to the tippiest-top of the corporate ladder, from Ginni Rometty at IBM to Marissa Mayer at Yahoo. But according to a new report, the overall picture is still bleak for women and minorities. At over half of the country's largest corporations, the highest-paid executive positions are filled exclusively by white men.

Calvert Investments analyzed the diversity of the S&P 100, 100 of the country's major corporations. And the report published Thursday by the investment management firm found that the pipeline to the top isn't just leaky for women, but full of gaping holes. While women are hired about as much as men, they make up just 8 percent of the highest-paid executives.
