ChefVille 'Unpack a Potato' Quests: Everything you need to know


As you work to complete the St. Patrick's Day event in ChefVille, you'll need a ton of Irish Potatoes, which is where a new Irish Potato Crate comes in. This item wasn't released at the beginning of the game's event, apparently due to a bug, but it's available now, along with three new "Unpack a Potato" quests. We're here with a guide to helping you complete those quests, thanks to Zynga. Let's get started!

This Spud's For You

  • Have an Irish Potato Crate

  • Tend the Irish Potato Crate 6 Times

  • Have 3 Mastery Stars for Smoked Quiche

The Irish Potato Crate can be placed via this quest window and unwrapped using three energy. You'll need to collect four Festive Dollies, four Potato Boxes, and four Festive Crowbars to finish it off. The Festive Dollies are earned via a general news post placed on your wall, while the other two items come from individual requests sent to your neighbors.

While you're waiting for those parts to arrive, you can work on cooking the Smoked Quiche, which thankfully doesn't require

Irish Potatoes to prepare. Instead, it's cooked using one Egg, two Cheddar Cheese, and two Dough each. Each batch takes 10 minutes to make.

Baked Potatoes

  • Serve Irish Stew 3 Times

  • Tend Neighbors' Flour Sacks 8 Times

  • Give Chef's Service with Potato Bread 10 Times

The Potato Bread is prepared inside the Luck of the Irish Stove using one Irish Potato, two Flour, and three Water. It takes 30 minutes to prepare. The Irish Stew is also prepared in the Stove, but this dish requires four Irish Potatoes, one Beef Stock, and three Onions to cook over a period of four hours.

Potatoes and Pints

  • Get 6 St. Patty's Pint Glasses

  • Collect 15 Mixed Greens

  • Have 3 Mastery Stars on Colcannon

The St. Patty's Pint Glasses are earned by asking your friends to send them to you, while the Mixed Greens can be earned by tending plants around your restaurant. Finally, the Colcannon is cooked using two Irish Potatoes, two Mixed Greens, and three Milk per batch. Each serving takes one hour to cook.

You'll have just five days to finish all of these quests. Good luck!

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What do you think of these new St. Patrick's Day quests in ChefVille? Have you already built your own Irish Potato Crate? Sound off in the comments!
