Ouya Shipping To Backers March 28, Games Revealed


Ouya will be shipping to its Kickstarter backers on March 28,announced CEO Julie Uhrman today.

In an update to the Ouya Kickstarter page, Uhrman revealed "OUYAs will begin shipping to Kickstarter backers on March 28. That's right. Parts are in the factory and assembly lines are buzzing, tens of thousands of you will receive your OUYA, and you'll get to start playing right away."

The post also detailed the upcoming games to the system, one subject that backers had been concerned about:

Kim Swift, of Portal, Left 4 Dead and Quantum Conundrum fame will be making an exclusive Ouya game. Swift had this to say about the console "We truly feel that this platform will give us the freedom to fully realize the funky, unique game we have in mind."

Minority Media, the team behind Papa & Yo will be bringing the game to Ouya this fall and will be fully utilizing all aspects of the new controller.

Tripwire Interactive who created Killing Floor and Red Orchestra 2 will be bring the action puzzle game The Ball to Ouya in March as well as an exclusive title in the future.


Lastly, nWay will be bringing action-RPG ChronoBlade to Ouya.

The update ends with the big news that Kellee Santiago co-founder of thatgamecompany will be joining the Ouya team to lead dev relations. Santiago added "

OUYA gets it. This is the first console company that really understands how important it is to remove the barriers to development. By freeing up the development process, OUYA is opening up new doors in console gaming."

Personally I am quite surprised that Ouya is gaining so much momentum, there didn't appear to be that much going for it after the Kickstarter ended but getting all of these teams on board as well as Kellee Santiago seems like a big boost for the system.

What do you think of these announcements? Will you be getting an Ouya? Let me know in the comments.

Source: Ouya Kickstarter
