Yes, Anyone Can Be an Author


The video below is taken from an interview that Motley Fool analyst Brendan Byrnes recently had with Seth Godin, author ofThe Icarus Deception. Godin is also a talented public speaker, marketing guru, blogger, entrepreneur, and respected thought leader.

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Brendan Byrnes: Do you think this is a model that other authors can use, overall? Maybe potentially disrupting the publishing industry? Go straight to the Nook, the iPad, the Kindle Fire? Is this something other people can use, or do you think it's more established authors?

Seth Godin: If we look at this conceptually, when Tom and the rest of the gang did their book, they needed to get picked. You need one of the big five book publishing companies to say, "We pick you."

Well, now, thanks to the long tail and Amazon and the Kindle, anyone who wants to write a book can. We're going to see the number of books published in the U.S. go from 100,000 to a million in one year because if you want to publish it, you can.

Publishing is no longer the act of getting it to the world. It's: How do you get people to read it? That's the challenge. What I was trying to demonstrate with the Kickstarter campaign is, if you can build an audience you can be an author, but you have to build an audience person by person, step by step.


The article Yes, Anyone Can Be an Author originally appeared on

Brendan Byrnes has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends The Motley Fool owns shares of Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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