Media Digest (2/19/2013) Reuters, WSJ, NYT, FT, Bloomberg


A Chinese military operation may be the source of many of the major hacks on U.S. cyber interests. (Reuters)

Burger King Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: BKW) takes its Twitter account offline after it is hacked. (Reuters)

Office Depot Inc. (NYSE: ODP) and OfficeMax Inc. (NYSE: OMX) may merge. (Reuters)

BP PLC (NYSE: BP) will take some Deepwater Horizon liability cases to court on the bet that it will do better off than with settlements. (WSJ)

J.C. Penney Co. Inc. (NYSE: JCP) and Macy's Inc. (NYSE: M) will take their dispute over business partnerships with Martha Steward Omnimedia Inc. (NYSE: MSO) to court. (WSJ)

Mandiant issues a report that shows support from the China's People's Liberation Army has caused attacks on Western interests. (WSJ)

The new PlayStation from Sony Corp. (NYSE: SNE) will allow users to stream games over the Internet. (WSJ)

Some of Boeing Co.'s (NYSE: BA) engineers may strike. (WSJ)

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reports that arms sales by the 100 largest global producers fell in 2011. (WSJ)

Reader's Digest declares Chapter 11, again. (WSJ)

Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) may launch a chain of retail stores. (WSJ)

The French government says a recession will delay the date when it can meet budget markers. (NYT)

Many cities in China cut back home loan activity. (FT)

The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association reports European cars sales plunged in January. (Bloomberg)

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire, Press Digest Tagged: BKW, BP, GOOG, JCP, M, MSO, ODP, OMX, SNE
