McDonald's Denies Hacking Burger King's Twitter Account

Burger King's Twitter Account Hacked, Temporarily Suspended
Burger King's Twitter Account Hacked, Temporarily Suspended

Burger King (BKW) has regained control of its social media presence after its Twitter account was hacked over the weekend, and modified to look like the takeover had been engineered by fast food rival McDonald's.

A little after noon Monday, parties unknown took control of Burger King's official twitter feed, @BurgerKing. Whoever was responsible has a sense of humor: They changed the account's name to "McDonalds," switched the profile photo to the McDonald's logo, and posted a new bio asserting that Burger King had been sold to McDonald's "because the whopper flopped."

Burger King/ Twitter McDonald's hack
Burger King/ Twitter McDonald's hack

The hacker then proceeded to fire off a string of profane tweets, including claims that Burger King employees were using drugs in the bathrooms, and that the chain would offer a gram of bath salts free with every Big Mac.

After more than an hour of mayhem, the account was suspended, and eventually restored to the company's control. On Monday night, the feed's rightful managers announced that they were back, and made reference to the thousands of new followers they'd gained during the fiasco.

The only hint so far about who might have been responsible for the breach -- and it's far from conclusive -- is that, at one point, a tweet was sent encouraging people to follow the @YourAnonNews account, suggesting someone from the Anonymous hacktivist collective might have been involved.

More amusing, though, is who denied responsibility: McDonald's. The McDonald's social media team (which, we imagine, is taking a hard look at its own security this morning).

Matt Brownell is the consumer and retail reporter for DailyFinance. You can reach him at, and follow him on Twitter at @Brownellorama.



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