Why Citi Beat Up on Everyone and Everything This Week


It was a good week for Citigroup . With just a little over an hour left in the trading week, the superbank's share price has made a net gain of 3.12%, moving from an opening price of $42.69 to the current price of $44.03.

3.12% was enough to boost the bank comfortably past the performance of its peers and well past the performance of the market. It's tough to chalk this hearty move up to any one thing, but a savvy divestiture earlier in the week may have had something to do with it. Alas, investors may have also missed out an item that could have swung things the other way for Citi.

The tale of the tickers
Here's where some of banking's biggest guns are shaking out at the end of this week's trading:

  • Bank of America is only slightly behind Citi, showing a net gain of 2.56% on the week.

  • JPMorgan Chase is trailing significantly farther behind, with only 0.95% to show for the week.

  • But 1.45% is a lot better than what Wells Fargo, up only 0.23%, could manage.

The market wasn't exactly setting the world on fire this week either, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average currently down by 0.19%, the Nasdaq down by 0.03%, and the S&P 500 up by a mere 0.08%. So what made it such a happy week for Citi?

Of divestiture and indebtedness
Both Citi and B of A are having banner weeks. B of A possibly down to the president's call for increased home lending and the bank's professed intention to get in on it with home lending being an easy way to make money in the current resurgent U.S. housing market, one the superbank has so far been remarkably shy of.

As for Citi, I wrote earlier in the week that news the bank had sold half its stake in Grupo Aeromexico SAB, Mexico's largest airline, might have helped shift some investor money its way: Any sign that the wayward bank is moving back to core banking and shedding questionable assets (like a large position in a foreign airline) can't help but lift its reputation in the eyes of investors.

But one thing that I missed earlier in the week, probably along with most investors, is that Citi has taken to the debt market, issuing $1.5 billion worth of 10-year notes this week. With existing long-term debt on the books of more than $239 billion, another $1.5 billion perhaps isn't so shocking, but isn't necessarily a positive sign either.

Money is cheap right now, and Citi won't have to pay its bondholders much in the way of interest rates, but I don't think the bank should be going any further into debt right now -- period, unless it has absolutely has to. And if it absolutely has to, then something's not right. I didn't see any explanation in the news from the bank explaining the debt issuance. Some sort of explanation would have been helpful, otherwise, investors just have to guess, which never inspires confidence.

But since I have to frequently remind myself of this, I'm going to remind you, my fellow Fools, of the same thing: You're in this for the long term. Checking on your stocks everyday is all well and good, but barring fundamental changes in the company, take whatever you see with a grain of salt -- sometimes a very large one.

Occasionally, you'll see the phrase "Get rich slowly" flash across the top of The Motley Fool's homepage. It's one of my favorite Foolish slogans, it and helps keep me personally focused on the long term. I strongly recommend a strong dose of it for days you feel the invisible hand of the market has slapped you down.

Looking for more Foolish analysis on Citi?
Check out our new premium report on the superbank. Andy Cross, The Motley Fool's Chief Investment Officer, will fill you in on both reasons to buy and reasons to sell Citigroup, and what areas the bank's investors need to watch going forward. For instant access to our Andy's personal take on Citigroup, simply click here now.

The article Why Citi Beat Up on Everyone and Everything This Week originally appeared on Fool.com.

Fool contributor John Grgurich owns shares of JPMorgan Chase. Follow John's dispatches from the bleeding heart of capitalism on Twitter @TMFGrgurich. The Motley Fool recommends Wells Fargo. The Motley Fool owns shares of Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo.Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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