Could your college handle its own League of Legends team?

League of Legends
League of Legends

As the eSports scene gains more momentum, it's only a matter of time before we start seeing arenas filled with passionate fans cheering for their favorite gaming team. Look, I've seen it happen. The fact is, that right now most colleges have sports. That's all fine and dandy, but what about the eSports scene in college?

What!? You have a gaming club? It's a start. But what about planning your very own League of Legends team to represent your school? What says school spirit like your college competing against a rival in Summoner's Rift? It's alright that your school doesn't have the best football team; you may potentially have the a few players in the Challenger Tier that you never knew about.

Riot has launched a brand new Collegiate Program that allows you to create or search for teams at your university. Once a team/club has been established, you'll be able to take part in challenges, request event support, and even get some LoL swag for events. If you've been doing something similar at your school for some time now, why not make it official? Join forces with Riot and get a club profile page and join the growing community.

Once enough steam is picked up you can host LAN tournaments and compete against other clubs in a intercollegiate competition. This LoL Collegiate Program supports both the hardcore and casual gamers at schools. Learn more and check out the status of your school here.


