Creative Ways To Land The Interview

billboard hire wife
billboard hire wife

Would an outside-of-the-box approach help you land a job interview? The Internet occasionally buzzes with details about how people successfully used unusual, "creative" techniques to get an interview -- and a job. Among some recent tactics:

  • Renting a billboard -- A Toledo husband rented a billboard to help his unemployed wife attract attention from hiring managers.

  • Launch a campaign -- One job hunter successfully launched a "hire me" campaign in social media.

  • Using the employer's own tools -- One applicant created a resume in her target company's presentation software and tweeted a link to their CEO. (She got the job.)

Keep in mind, the reason these stories make the rounds online is because these stories are the exception, not the rule. Most people don't land a job because of a billboard or as the result of one, well-placed tweet.
